Mini Reunion 2010 - Classes of 66, 67, 68 and 69
On Tuesday, June 8, 2010, the classes of 66, 67, 68, and 69 had a mini reunion at Antonio's Restaurant in East Haven. Thanks to Geri Coppola (68) Colavolpe and her staff for a wonderful night with great food and good friends. Thanks to Linda Best Coviello for organizing it to get us all together again. Thanks to Vic Pischal (69) for taking the pictures. If we didn't get your picture this time, you will have to come back for our next reunion! If I don't have your name for the picture or it is incorrect, email me (Carolyn Amendola Downs) with the correction or comments to
On Thursday, June 10th, Donna Snow Barile (68) and myself (Carolyn Amendola Downs) presented the first of four annual scholarships to Courtney Iannotti (an East Haven senior going to Salve Regina). Thank you to all that contributed. Each year, for 4 years, a scholarship in the amount of $1,000 will be awarded to an East Haven High School senior.
If your information has changed, please update with the correct info to my above email address. Thanks and enjoy the pictures.
Carolyn :)
Terry Esposito Grieco (67), Mike Lucibello (66), Christine Proto Sanford (68) and Karen Sayers (69)
Susan Hatch Frew (69) and Kathy Young Bacon (69)
Pete Cianelli (68), Janet Glenn Cianelli (68), Norman George (68) and wife, Mary and Terri Baldino Sciarra (68)
Paul Karbowski (68), Norman George (68) and wife Mary, and Mary Jo Pettretto (68)
Patty Raffone (69) and Maria Teodosio (69)
Patty Raffone (69) and friend
Carolyn Amendola Downs (68) and Geri Coppola Colavolpe (68)
Marti Carlson (69), Ted Carbone (68), Patti Raffone (69) and Maria Teodosio (69)
Maria Teodosio (69), Robert Lieto (69)
Margo Marini DeFelice (68)
Linda Best Coviello (68) and husband Dave, Evelyn Rossetti Corda (68), Nancy Sgro (68), Donna DiNatale Johnson (68) and Donna Snow Barile (68)
Pete and Jan Cianelli's daughter Kim and Linda Best Coviello
Karen Sayers (69), Sue Connors Stacey (69), Jack Stacey (67), Ellyn East Cordes (67)
Joe Pandolfi (68) and Sal Palmieri (68)
Jack Stacey, Ellyn East Cordes, Michelle Tommaso Zirles (67) Terry Esposito Grieco, and Mike Lucibello (66)
Kathy Iovene Cifarelli (69), Susan Hatch Frew (69), Kathy Young Bacon, (69) and Geri Coppola Colavolpe (68)
Evelyn Rossetti Corda (68), Joey Cusano (68), and Morrell Smith (68)
Donna Snow Barile (68), Margo Marini DeFelice (68), Terri Baldino Sciarra (68) and Carolyn Amendola Downs
Donna DeNatale Johnson (68), Donna Snow Barile, Margo Marini DeFelice, and Mike Lucibello
Donna DiNatale Johnson, Evelyn Rossetti Corda
Carolyn Amendola Downs, Linda Best Coviello and hubby Dave, Geri Coppola Colavolpe, Evelyn Rosssetti Corda, and Donna DiNatale Johnson